Posts tagged pain
Michelle R.

I had a two month period of extreme exhaustion along with pain in my arms. I took an anti-inflammatory which helped somewhat with the arm pain, but nothing helped the exhaustion. Within a few weeks of seeing Dr. Chi, the change in my energy level was huge. I felt so good, so healthy and strong. There was even more relief from the pain too. Acupuncture really got me back to my life.”

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Helen Hanpain, fibromyalgia
Paul C.

For the past year, I have been experiencing severe pain and weakness in my right leg. When I drive, I have to use my left leg. Despite a series of diagnosis and treatments, I had little success in relieving my symptoms. I am very grateful that my friend recommended Dr. Chi to me. The pain and weakness have been remarkably reduced; I feel pain free and the muscle has become stronger now. I know there are many more individuals like me who are suffering and seeking answers, but not finding effective treatments. I would strongly recommend them to consider getting acupuncture treatments from Dr. Chi.”

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Helen Hanpain, muscle pain, atrophy
Emily R.

Unrelenting pain resulting from surgical complications brought me to Dr. Chi. Within two treatments the pain was notably diminished. Continued acupuncture treatments has kept the pain at bay and hastened the healing of the wound, as well. An unexpected consequence of acupuncture treatments is improved control of my blood pressure, allowing me to cut my medication in half. And a final bonus—after 30+ years of debilitating migraine and sinus headaches, I have found relief in diminished frequency, duration, and intensity. Thank you, Dr. Chi!”

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Liz B.

As a very healthy and active 62 year old, I found myself stopped in my tracks with Carpal Tunnel syndrome. As a nurse, I knew that I had to choose between Western medical techniques, i.e., cortisone injections and possible surgery, or less invasive Eastern techniques. Because of the side effects of drugs and surgery, I chose Acupuncture & Health Center for treatment involving acupuncture and Chinese herbs. Within three days of the first treatment, I began to feel relief from the neck and shoulder pain. After two treatments, my Chi levels were near normal, the Carpal Tunnel symptoms were almost completely abated and for the first time in years, I was sleeping through the night due to the side benefits of acupuncture & herbs. I found Dr. Chi to be most receptive and warm. My care was immediate, relaxing and patient-friendly. The only regret that I have is that I let the symptoms of Carpal Tunnel continue to worsen over the 2 1/2 weeks that I did not choose treatment with Dr. Chi sooner.”

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Helen Hanpain, carpal tunnel
Peggy T.

I came to Ruiping Chi looking for relief from the pain and immobility of rheumatoid arthritis. Medical doctors told me that my body was falling apart, that I needed to learn to live with RA and that they could provide medicine that would diminish some of the pain and other, expensive medicine with serious side effects that would probably halt the spread of RA throughout my body. These medicines would be with me the rest of my life. Ruiping Chi’s approach was life affirming. She assured me that with diligent acupuncture treatments, herbal supplements and patience with my body’s slow but steady healing, I would regain pain free and easy motion in my joints. At the same time all systems of my body would be supported by the acupuncture so that there would be no adverse side effects. After just a handful of treatments, I could see definite results. Each week I found some little thing that I could freely do that I couldn’t do the week before. My sleep became pain free, my fatigue and depression vanished and now a year later, even after a chilly winter, I feel so close to being 100% free of the RA.”

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